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2nd grade - Miranda, Frida

About Me:

Hello! My name is Frida Miranda. I grew up in Monterrey, Mexico and I am currently living in Mountain View, CA. I received my bachelor’s degree at Universidad Autonóma de Nuevo León, my teaching credential and Masters degree in Teaching with a Bilingual Authorization at San Jose State University. This is my first year teaching at Garfield Community School and my second year teaching 2nd grade within the RCSD. I have chosen to be part of the GCS because I believe that bilingualism is an asset that empowers students to be changemakers. In our classroom, we feel comfortable sharing our thoughts, taking risks, asking questions and confronting challenges in our learning. I also hope to support students in building self-confidence because this will give them a voice and choice in their own learning. 

I believe that all students bring unique talents to the class and I will implement different pedagogies to support my students’ strengths. Thank you for trusting me with your children!

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