PE TK-8th grade - Guillena, Jaymie
About Me: Hello! My name is Jaymie Guillena. I grew up in Redwood City California and I still live here. I attended Selby Lane k-8th grade and Sequoia High School 9-12th. I received my bachelor’s degree at California State University East Bay and studied Organizational Communications with a focus in Business Management. I am working towards my Masters of Education by taking online classes at National University located in La Jolla, California. This is my 8th year teaching PE+ at Garfield Community School and my 4th year teaching Middle School PE. I have chosen to be part of the GCS because I love the atmosphere and community that is built through Garfield. In our classroom, I plan on introducing Health and Wellness to maintain students’ mental, physical, and emotional well being. I also hope to support students in any way possible with all aspects of Physical Education because I believe learning how to maintain a healthy lifestyle starts when we are young. I believe that all students can have a voice in my classroom and I will do my best to value everyone’s perspectives. Thank you for allowing me to share my passion for Physical Education with you! I look forward to teaching and also learning from everyone.
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